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All for the cove is a HTML5 game made in Phaser JS by Adrián Granado and Noé Fernández for Mallorca Game Jam 2018.
The game consists in beach management. You can get money from the shops, then buy trashes and recollect rubbis to throw in and finally, buy baywatchers to alert people that they are splashing water to people nearby.

-Shops: from shops you get the money. People buys randomly but with more shops more people will be buying at the same time. If people can't buy, it will affect in their happiness negatively.

-Trash and Rubbish: you need to buy trash to collect the rubbish. Rubbish in game affects in people happiness negatively. CAUTION: With more distance from trash and rubbish, cooldown of the trash will be longer.

-Baywatchers: you need to buy baywatchers to alert people that they are splashing water to people nearby. CAUTION: if you alert a person that is doing good, this person will go back to their towel with negative happiness. However, if this person were splashing water to others, people in the water will be happier.

Your mission in the game is serving the best experience in your beach to your customers.

In development
This game is currently in development. We planned to release new features as long as fixes for some broken parts (Very long cooldowns for example).

Programming: Adrián Granado
Art: Noé Fernández
Game Design Adrián Granado & Noé Fernández
